![]() By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Jn 13:35 A few of us worked at one of our local Soup Kitchen last week. Some of us were from the community that my wife and I live in, others are friends and family. Not all of us worship at the same church, nor do we have many other interests in common. The thing that was common between us, however, is our love for God and our desire to serve Him. As I watched our “Soup Kitchen Crew” cook and serve those that are less fortunate, I felt a strong sense of community and I was reminded of the scripture; By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”Jn 13:35. It is the love that God himself has given us. In the book of John Chapter 13 Vs 34, Jesus gave us the command that we are to “love one another” as He loved us. This is how the world will know that we are His disciples. Jesus was the example as to how we are to love one another and it is by this love that we will be known. The love that we have for one another will be like a badge for all to see. As our group worked together under one banner, the banner of His Love, none of us had a hidden agenda. We were united in spirit and purpose. Our purpose was to serve a hot meal to the less fortunate and in some way show God’s love through our efforts. I believe that we did show God's love to those being served and to those observing us. We are His disciples. God is good, God is Love and He is the one that rules in our hearts. Blessings, Ernie
AuthorServant/Activist Archives
October 2013
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